суббота, 10 августа 2013 г.


Hey guys!!!

So today we decided to do a little collaboration together! We were thinking about making something different, something not 'beauty-centered'. And, as we're both huge Disney fans, we came up with a thought of making the Disney Tag! It's basically a list of questions about your favourite things form Disney cartoons/movies.

And here we go:

1. A scene in any Disney movie you wish you could experience.
Tanya: I think that one of the most beautiful scenes from all Disney movies is when Pacahontas is singing 'Colors of the wind' and she's standing on the edge of a cliff, the wind is blowing through her hair, all those flowers and leafs flying around, breathtaking sunset, feeling of freedom, stenght and peace. I would love to be her in that moment.
Kartina: My favorite scene from a Disney that I would love to experience is that moment when Cinderella fairy godmother comes an she is swirled in and surrounded by magic and the dress of her dreams just appears on her. I mean it is just so beautiful and shiny and sparkly and iridescent, like she is wearing fairy dust! What can I do with myself a girl can dream!

2. An unforgettable experience moment you've had at Disney Parks.
Tanya: Well, there's no Disneyland in Russia, but I've been to Disneyland in Paris twice. I don't remebmer being amazed by this place...Of course, I love Sleeping Beauty's castle and the general atmosphere there, but I didn't feel as excited as I had excpected. And a guy in a costume of Mickey Mouse creeped me out. So yeah, I don't have any 'unforgettable momets' :(
Katrina:  Going to the parks was theee thing me and my dad did. I'm just a daddy's little girl haha. And I remember it was around 5:00pm we have been in magic kingdom since it opened and we went on splash mountain. We. Were. Soaking. Wet. Dripping, literally! And laughing so hard. My dad said and I quote:"we are not going home until we're dry or mom is gonna kill us"

3. When was the first time you went to a Disney Park?
Tanya: I think I was about 12 when I fist came to Paris and to Disneyland. If I was a bit younger the whole thing would have excited me much more than it did. Because when I was 12 I walked into the state 'this is all unreal, those fairytales are for little kids, give me my PSP with the game where I can actually kill people and BUGGER OFF!'. I was a sweet child indeed. :)
Katrina:  I grew up or I should say spent the majority of my childhood in Orlando FL so I honestly don't remember my first time. We just went so often. BTW No place in the world can beat Orlando for theme parks. I don't care where your from. It is the best. Period. It had two universal parks, three Disney, sea world and a bunch of other ones too!

4. If you could choose any of the characters to be your best friend who would you choose?
Tanya: Definitely NOT a girl. And NOT some annoying control freak. I would choose Baloo because he's fun and I'd never be bored with him. And he's got a sexy voice. And I would also choose Genie 'cause come on! It's a freaking genei!!! He'll pull you out of any situation! And he's voiced by Robin Williams, which is also a great plus. Looks like voice means a lot to me. (Is it creepy that I want my friends to be two male creatures who seem to be twice older than me?..)

Katrina: Hmm this one is hard. I would have to go with Timon and Pumba. They are just so much fun. And I love having crazy friends!

5. Who are your favorite Disney Princesses?
Tanya: Pocahontas, for sure. 'Cause all other princesses are stupid and girly. And she's an ideal of a woman for me.
Katrina: Sleeping beauty. She was born a princess had not 1 but 3 fairy godmothers and never had to work hard like Cinderella. She met her prince and then fell asleep! Aurora never had to deal with frustration of dating or waiting or annoyance! Prince Philip just did all the work and BOOM they're married! She was always my favorite:)

6. Who is your favorite Disney animal?
Tanya: I think that there're two kinds of animals in Disney movies. The first kind is when animal act like people ('The Lion King', 'The Jungle Book') and the second kind is when animals act like animals. So, for the frist one I'll choose Mufasa and for the second one - Meeko (raccoon from 'Pocahontas').

7. Name a scene/moment in any Disney movie that never fails to make you cry.
Tanya: The death of Mufasa. It doesn't need any comments. Just look at the picture below and cry.
Katrina:  Lion King 2. When Kiara is with Kovu and than he gets kicked out of her pride by Simba! And also the moment when they get back together is just adorable💙💙
Also the moment when Alice wakes up and realized that wonderland is a dream! You have no idea how upset I was and quite frankly still am.

8. What is the frist Disney movie you remember seeing?
Tanya: I remember watching three Disney movies non-stop in the childhood: The Lion King, The Jungle Bool amd Cinderella. But I think that the first one was The Jungle Book. Why can't I go back to childhood when I could play VHS cassette over and over again and every time was like the frist time?!
Katrina:  It was either Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty because Cinderella was my mom's favorite princess and Sleeping Beauty-dad's.

9. What is your favorite Disney song?
Tanya: It's impossible to choose just one! So I'll pick three: 1) 'Colors of the wind'; 2) 'Part of your world'; 3) 'Prince Ali'. And also Beauty and the Beats, I'll Make A Man Out of You, Everybody Wants To Be a Cat, Circle of Life and sooooooo much more!!!! This is the hardes question in the world. 
Katrina: Um- like all of them!! I adore once upon a December from Anastasia! And hakunah mattata that song is the epiphany of my life. No comments needed.

10. What is your favorite Disney movie?
Tanya: I had to decide between 'Pocahontas' and 'The Lion King'. And I've chosen 'The Lion King'. Because it's one of the first movie that I've watches, and I sends an important message to children, and there're so many moments to cry in it. And, of course, the music. I think that it's the best of all Elton John's works. Every single song is a masterpiece.  
Katrina:  I could never choose between Peter Pan or Alice in Wonderland. I am just so emotionally connected with both of them. I still have, use and live by the quotes from those movies. They fit my personality more than any other cartoon ever made.

That is all, guys! Let us know in the comments below what are your Disney favorites! Maybe you'd like us to do more tag. If 'yes', that leave a comment telling what tag should we do!


вторник, 6 августа 2013 г.

Storets summer fashion haul

Hey Everybody!
I decided to change things up a bit and do a little quick fashion post. I discovered a new online store called storets http:/storets.com
 that sells small indie designers for very affordable prices. I am not affiliated with this company by any way just to let you know. I purchased everything shown with my own money.

All that aside here is the first thing I got! It is a lace black crop top pictured with some American Eagle high rise festival shorties shorts. http://www.ae.com/web/browse/product.jsp?productId=1331_3484_841&catId=cat6280066 This is what I personally where this crop top with.

Lets just start by the fact that I fell in loovee with this dress. I just felt that it was so me! It might seem slightly/very vulgar to some people but I think it just really reflects my personality well. This is made out of a pretty thick material so it does get pretty hot in it though.

I had one specific reason why I bought this flowy yellow blouse. And believe I don't even like yellow. I wanted something that would make me look like a happy,glowing little piece of sunshine. And you know what? It did just that! I kid you not, people would smile when I would go buy + I got a fair amount of compliments on it. My favorite part is the cut out shoulders! But I must worn you it is a top. Even though it's long don't even think about wearing it without shorts, you will flash your ass to everybody if you don't. In the photo below I am wearing shorts even thought it might not look like it. :)

Last but certainly not least is this gorgeous star skirt. Fun fact about me I am a night time person. I love the moon and I am crazy about stars.(ps you haven't watch the fairytale "Stardust" go watch it!!!) So I had to have it! I will try to do an outfit of the day on my instagram featuring this skirt sometime soon, so if you are interested check it out.

Tell me in the comments below if you liked this little fashion post and if you would like to see me do some more! 
As always, Lots of Love

US drugstore haul

Hey everybody!
Long time no post, but I am back with a drugstore haul/product review.

I'm going to start with the product that I like the most. Meet covergirl clump crusher mascara. I've tried another covergirl mascara (lash bast 24 hours) and I didn't like it all, but this on the other hand is a real keeper. It lengthens,thickens,doesn't budge and is easily removed with warm water. If you are in Europe then you can get this mascara from their sister brand maxfactor. I will repurchase this mascara certainly. *please excuse my brows they look horrible,I just still thought I should share the photo*

Revlon moon art nail polish. I am a bit iffy about this stuff. I thought it looked a bit messy for my taste. It just wasn't my cup a tea, but maybe you will like it. The staying power is really good it lasted 4 days without chipping, no top coat. The thing that really put me off this product is the gritty texture of the nail polish itself. 

Revlon kissable balm stain in lovesick passionee
I really like this! It lasts around 4-5 hours on the lips without touch ups, doesn't dry them out and I enjoy the slight cooling/minty sensation that you get when you first apply it.
All the photos of swatches that I do are just not turning out right and don't do this color and justice, but if you really want to see a picture of what this stain looks on me check out my instagram katrina407.(it's the best place to get to know me and Tanya better, just sayin')

Que bella detoxifying dead sea clay mask
Great for "perking up" your skin. Tightens pores and gives a nice refreshing feel.
I can't say this is thee best mask out there, but it gets the job done. Plus, this little pack last you 2-3 uses! It has a pleasant fresh sent as well

Que bella clarifying cucumber mask
This actually really helped me with my sunburn on my face! It calmed everything down nicely. I can't say that it did a fantastic job clarifying my face as it is marketed to do so…

Sonia Kashuk #16 brush
HUGE RAVE!!!! So soft, so beautiful, so cheap compared to MAC or other brands.

Essie sleek stick nails in embrace the lace
Very pretty and easy to put on! Lasted up to 3 days on me. But I have to say they went through some tough conditions. I spent 3 days on the lake jumping,swimming,putting on tanning oil etc

Yes to Grapefruits body srub
The scent is just to strong for me. I don't really like it. It isn't a great exfoliater either. I wouldn't recommend you purchase this. 

That it is for now my lovely readers! Please subscribe to our blog it would mean the world to us! If you would like me to write more posts in Russian or do them in both languages just comment down below. I'll do anything to keep you happy! If you have any requests please let us know!

воскресенье, 4 августа 2013 г.


Привет, ребята!

В начале июля я отправилась в Париж, чтобы отпраздновать сдачу экзаменов и выпуск из чертовой школы. Конечно же не обошлось без закупки кучей косметики в Сефоре! И сегодня я хочу поделиться с вами некоторыми косметическими чудесами (я лично считаю, что это чудеса, да).

1) Clarins Creme Jeunesse des Mains
Как-то раз мне дали в подарок пробник этого крема для рук. Меня сразу же смутило то, что он для "молодости рук". Я пока что, слава богу, в самом начале этой молодости и удерживать ее мне еще не надо. Но когда я намазала этот крем, я поняла, что он лучший из лучших! впитывается мгновенно, одного нанесения достаточно на два дня, аромат потрясающий. Полностью оправдывает свою цену.

2) Caudalie Purifying mask
Не вполне понимаю для чего эта маска, но она волшебная! Наносите на 10 минут перед сном, и на следующее утро красных следов от прыщей как не бывало! Значительно уменьшает поры. Прекрасная вещь!

3) Sephora Professionnel mineral powder brush 45
Кисточка производства Сефоры. Очень мягкая и плотная. Скорее всего она для пудры, но я использую ее для нанесения румян. 

4) Lancome  Hypnose Star mascara
Помимо своего сногсшибательного дизайна от Lanvin, эта тушь еще и делает ваши ресницы просто огромными!!! У меня они до самых бровей достают, хотя в ненакрашенном виде ничего особенного из себя не представляют. Удобно красить как верхние, так и нижние ресницы. 

5) NARS blush (Dolce Vita)
Одна из самых лучших румян, что у меня были. Высоко пигментированная, но не чересчур. Много разных оттенков. Матовая, без всяких блесток.

6) Naked Urban Decay Basics
Палетка из 6 теней самых необходимых оттенков. Все, что может понадобиться, в одной компактной коробочке. И цвет, чтобы подчеркнуть дугу под бровью, и чтобы подвести глаза. Огромный плюс: большое зеркало. (Цвета: Venus, Foxy, Walk of Shame, Naked 2, Faint, Crave)

 Вот и все! Надеюсь, что я хоть чем-нибудь смогла Вам помочь :)

С любовью,
